Director and Professor
Dept of ECE, HKUST
Co-Director and Chair Professor
Dept of ECE, HKUST
Visiting Professor
Dept of ECE, HKUST
Former Director and Professor
Dept of ECE, HKUST
Department Head and Professor
Dept of ECE, HKUST
Dept of ECE, HKUST
Associate Professor
Dept of ECE, HKUST
Associate Professor
Dept of ECE, HKUST
Emeritus Professor
Senior Fellow
Institute of Advanced Study Director,Photonics Technology Center
Assistant Professor
Dept of ECE, HKUST
Research Assistant Professor
Dept of ECE, HKUST

Research Assistant Professor
Dept of ECE, HKUST

Research Assistant Professor
Dept of ECE, HKUST
Assistant Professor
Dept of ECE, HKUST
Assistant Professor
Dept of ECE, HKUST
Assistant Professor
Dept of CBE, HKUST
Assistant Professor
Dept of Chemistry, HKUST
Research Assistant Professor
Dept of ECE, HKUST
Adjunct Associate Professor
Dept of ECE, HKUST
Dept of Physics, HKUS
Professor Emeritus
Dept of ECE, HKUST
Associate Professor
Dept of ECE, HKUST
Dept of Chemistry, HKUST
Chair Professor
Dept of Physics, HKUST
Dept of ECE, HKUST
Chair Professor
Dept of ECE, HKUST
Chair Professor
Dept of ECE, HKUST
Chair Professor
Dept of MAE, HKUST
Dept of CSE, HKUST
Dr William M W Mong
Chair Professor Emeritus of Nanoscience
Dept of Physics, HKUST