The SKL has unlimited access to some key facilities of HKUST: (1) the Centre for Display Research (CDR); (2) the Materials Characterisation & Preparation Facility (MCPF); (3) Organic Electronic Laboratory (OEL) ; and (4) the Nanoelectronics Fabrication Facility(NFF).

Center for Display Research (CDR)
The Centre for Display Research (CDR) at HKUST was established with seed funding from the Hong Kong Trade and Industry Department. The CDR provides technical support services for local LCD manufacturers, conducts research of advanced displays of value to the local industry and trains students with hands-on experience in LCD manufacturing for the local industry.

Materials Characterisation & Preparation Facility (MCPF)
The MCPF is a central facility intensively serving academic researchers and postgraduate students at the School of Science and School of Engineering for the preparation, characterization and analysis of advanced materials. In addition to serving HKUST, MCPF also provides services to Hong Kong sister institutionsand clients of government laboratories and regional industries. It has been an indispensable central facility at HKUST since the university’s establishment.

Organic Electronics Laboratory (OEL)
The Organic Electronics Laboratory has a floor space of 1,030 square meters and resides in the newly-opened Cheng Yu Tung Building. OEL is a brand newlaboratory managed by Prof. Ching W. Tang, IAS Bank of East Asia Professor and Chair Professor in the Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering and a Research Team Leader of the SKL. Last year, a cluster tool has been newlyinstalled. It comprises a central transfer chamber for substrate delivery andfive detachable process chambers for device fabrication. OEL provides aplatform for researchers to study how OLED materials degrade over time and toproduce OLED devices with greater efficiency and longer lifetime.
Nanoelectronics Fabrication Facility (NFF)
The Nanoelectronics Fabrication Facility (NFF) at HKUST is the first microfabrication laboratory ata tertiary institution in Hong Kong. The mission of the NFF is to provide facilities for HKUST faculty and students to conduct teaching and research, particularly in new discrete semiconductor devices, novel microsensors and microactuators, advanced nanoelectronics process technology and application-specific integrated circuits (ASIC).